Sunday 24 July 2011

Blast without a reason

    For me the past decade has seen too many bomb blasts being used as a means of regardless killing due to its collateral damage. Some being precise and targeted at security Institutions and some being random and even religiously motivated. For me this is a unique way of killing a bulk of people that mankind has ever seen throughout its history. The reason behind it could be desperation, anger or simple brain washed targeting.
    I would never want to be a part of a bomb explosion because to me the idea of instant death with mutilation of the body is somewhat unthinkable & unimaginable. Even when i see people dying of no related cause, the idea of dying without a reason and without accomplishing what u wished your whole life is more fearful the the gore/violence that takes place.....


I am everything that ALLAH has made me and wants me to be but unfortunately I have strayed too far from it. Knowing what is to be done and what is the process to get there i have somehow lost the will and the interest in it. I am not what I want to be but I know what it is atleast......
                         I am Lost & Confused..........

Gandhi's Assasination

After 5 failed attempts Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was assassinated on the 30th of January 1948 while going to a prayer meeting. He was shot three times by a 0.38 Beretta on the chest and stomach from point blank range. His last words as recalled were "Raam-Raam"...
         Gandhi's assassination was not just a mere ht target situation but a pre planned act thet took place between 8 random people of the same ideal taking the oath of assasinating Gandhi. Nathuram Godse was the murderer who carried out this operation with the help of his younger brother Gopal Godse. the reason behind the assassination was Gandhi's apeasement towards Muslim interests and his too peaceful teachings of extreme non-violence due to which the Hindu's would lose the will to fight. The main reason being the division of the sub-continent Motherland. Nathuram Godse was hanged to death on 15 November 1949 with Narayan Apte while his brother sentenced to 18 years of life imprisonment who after his release wrote several books behind his motivation to assassinate Gandhi.
        Though we might have different opinions about Gandhi but through history Gandhi did support Jinnah for the freedom from the britishers which gave Jinnah the major push to finally create Pakistan.

Sunday 17 July 2011


Blogging to me is a new thing because I was not familiar with the art of writing and describing your own vies about things and stuff that goes on other than writing lyrics and trying to make them meaningful. In my view the thing about blogging is that It cannot be forced but has to come from within and when it comes it flows like water, whenever you get yourself to write on a good topic, believe me the stuff flows like magic and you wouldn’t know when you wrote so much stuff like I am doing right now, we have been given the assignment of writing 100 blogs, for me it is proving to be very hard and I will probably fail in it but I think I will blog in the future from now , I guess it is very interesting and everyone should do it because it is the cheapest way to get your ideas out to people around you through social networking and other things…….

Internet Surfing

for me for the past years internet surfing has been about a few things , i guess i search only the things complying with my interests for example when in the mood i search and listen to music/videos of bands and artists i prefer, when in the mood of recording stuff i search and find out videos of people teaching the tricks and tips of recording your music in the best possible way keeping the budget in mind.... when feeling a little religious i go on to find videos and stuff written by authorized authors on topics which hit me the most and try to open up the box of brain a little and put something useful in it. I also like to search on controversial stuff that occurred in history and still do not have any answers to it and try to come up my own conclusions by connecting the dots all together......

Tired of celebrations

these past two days have been too hectic for me as the elder brother of my friend was getting married and i had to help my friend in literally everything.....   getting the heavy "dekhs" of biryani and other foods up the 5th floor and back down then getting other stuff for the guests up and then back down, after all of it at the end of all the work we got some food to eat and maan that was quiet a release, on friday was the SHADI where we guys took the dhoola with the dhol wala to other female section to his wife dancing the hell out of ourselves and maybe making a mockery but i guess we put a little energy in the shadi, yesterday was the VALIMA and evreything was a little light yesterday, no work and just food hahahaha, yeah we enjoyed these two days and a lot of days that came before on its preparations, but i i would like to rest now......... :P

Weekly dose of creativity.....

These days to have a release from all the hassles of a day and the university that i spend my weekly holidays with a friend of mine who is a guitarist creating new tunes and songs for our album, if u ask me i wait for the week to end so i could do something i am really passionate about and spend time in the other world that i have created for myself.... this has been now going on for month and from that i guess we have made two songs which sound really nice and refreshing and hopefully will make on our album... apart from that we have also been trying to set up a make shift studio of our own because of the high expenses and low quality that these studios offer.. i guess its better to have a sound of your own and be responsible it rather than feeling strange about something that you could have done better.......