Sunday 17 July 2011


           Probably the biggest chapter of my life, hmmmmmmm what I can I say, music has stuck with me through all times the good the bad and the ugly, after my parents and my life I had never been so passionate about something like music.. for many music may be a means to be famous and get richer or attract women but for me music has always been an amazement and magic… because when someone creates a piece of music out of the air and it touches people and give them happiness or anger ,for me this is magic. My goal with music is not to be at the top of the charts or be famous but to recognized as a person capable of this magic and appreciated even among the best of musicians, this is what I believe. My take on creating music is to have an imagination as wide, as wild and as far as possible, its like climbing up a mountain, the higher you go the higher you will be able to see and the farther it will be ,its all about being inspired being motivated or being capable of foreseeing what you want your music to be, and the harder you try the closer you will get it.. My suggestion to musicians on an underground level like me is not to be hasty not that I am a big musician but this is what I have learned, the more time you spend with your child (music) the better he will be in future…….

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