Wednesday 13 July 2011


the one thing after seeing the people of egypt overthrow the egyptian government that has stuck through my mind the thought of a possible revolution in pakistan which will bring the change that the people of pakistan have always wanted. Is a real revolution really possible in this country???????...... first of all in my view all the talk of revolution and change that the political parties have started are for me garbage.... how can a party whose symbol the "TT", Gutka and Bhaigiri bring about a revoltion??? when they cant change their owselves and  the image they have all over the nation, even if they are not like due to racist issues in our country they would have to bring the revolution inside them first... wherever i see their writongs and posters on walls mentioning revolution i feel like burning them but then i dont want to get beaten up and neither get paralysed :P..... the talk of the general people coming out on streets and spreading anarchy and bring a bloody revolution is neither logical itself, i think for that the nation would have to get united at first at least and cordinate this revolution which  even is funny to think about, insteed they will alll stand under seperate flags and would not even take one step together, this is how our country is divided due to several factors...the only possible revolution for me is the coming of the army and taking the charge over and the intellectuals
and the educated part of our country coming up with a way to get the education widespread and accessible/affordable for an avergae person which is a slow process indeed but would surely do the real job, but remember when i talk about education i talk about both academics, religion, ethics and history..

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