Wednesday 13 July 2011

Thankfull to the teachers

all through my academic life i came along with teachers who were very good at what they knew and what they tought, consisting maths, science and languages. I have benfitted gretly through them and they proved to be the staircase for the success in my academic life but i always wondered why they always looked at their watches and went as quickly as the class was over, talking of nothing more than what the subject consisted, a teacher specializes in a particular course but ac course is not the only thing that a student wants to learn. i always thought why many of them acted as machines thinking and talking of nothing but work and studies, i always thought life could not be that straight forward. not until i reached the post graduate level that i found teachers who talked about life, about the truth, learning, realization and change... these teachers forced me and im sure many others to think what life is and what is to be done to change it in the right way.

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