Wednesday 13 July 2011

Our best family member "Television"

Research says that the majority of the people around the world living in urban areas spend majority of the time in front of a television compared to the real family members that live in a house, no matter i see such frustation and difference even in the smallest of families. No wonder i see such a gap between feeling even between a mother and her child that each other do not know what the other is going through, happens with me also and there must be so many like me......this is the major reason why the indian/western culture with its ceremonies, mindset and norms has entered into our homes and lifestyle, sadly in my view women are generally more affected by this , such as the incapability of bearing second marriage of the husband, fashion trends, ceremonies and many other factors in the society. The reason in my view is because behind the television lie the best of minds and many of them producing such work, due to this a television has more effect than a person telling and sitting next to you. This is the why it has such great impact on us. My suggestion is to watch Television a fairly less and selectively, or use the internet, though not the best of ideas but at least has the choices of watching whatever you want to....

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