Sunday 24 July 2011

Blast without a reason

    For me the past decade has seen too many bomb blasts being used as a means of regardless killing due to its collateral damage. Some being precise and targeted at security Institutions and some being random and even religiously motivated. For me this is a unique way of killing a bulk of people that mankind has ever seen throughout its history. The reason behind it could be desperation, anger or simple brain washed targeting.
    I would never want to be a part of a bomb explosion because to me the idea of instant death with mutilation of the body is somewhat unthinkable & unimaginable. Even when i see people dying of no related cause, the idea of dying without a reason and without accomplishing what u wished your whole life is more fearful the the gore/violence that takes place.....


I am everything that ALLAH has made me and wants me to be but unfortunately I have strayed too far from it. Knowing what is to be done and what is the process to get there i have somehow lost the will and the interest in it. I am not what I want to be but I know what it is atleast......
                         I am Lost & Confused..........

Gandhi's Assasination

After 5 failed attempts Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was assassinated on the 30th of January 1948 while going to a prayer meeting. He was shot three times by a 0.38 Beretta on the chest and stomach from point blank range. His last words as recalled were "Raam-Raam"...
         Gandhi's assassination was not just a mere ht target situation but a pre planned act thet took place between 8 random people of the same ideal taking the oath of assasinating Gandhi. Nathuram Godse was the murderer who carried out this operation with the help of his younger brother Gopal Godse. the reason behind the assassination was Gandhi's apeasement towards Muslim interests and his too peaceful teachings of extreme non-violence due to which the Hindu's would lose the will to fight. The main reason being the division of the sub-continent Motherland. Nathuram Godse was hanged to death on 15 November 1949 with Narayan Apte while his brother sentenced to 18 years of life imprisonment who after his release wrote several books behind his motivation to assassinate Gandhi.
        Though we might have different opinions about Gandhi but through history Gandhi did support Jinnah for the freedom from the britishers which gave Jinnah the major push to finally create Pakistan.

Sunday 17 July 2011


Blogging to me is a new thing because I was not familiar with the art of writing and describing your own vies about things and stuff that goes on other than writing lyrics and trying to make them meaningful. In my view the thing about blogging is that It cannot be forced but has to come from within and when it comes it flows like water, whenever you get yourself to write on a good topic, believe me the stuff flows like magic and you wouldn’t know when you wrote so much stuff like I am doing right now, we have been given the assignment of writing 100 blogs, for me it is proving to be very hard and I will probably fail in it but I think I will blog in the future from now , I guess it is very interesting and everyone should do it because it is the cheapest way to get your ideas out to people around you through social networking and other things…….

Internet Surfing

for me for the past years internet surfing has been about a few things , i guess i search only the things complying with my interests for example when in the mood i search and listen to music/videos of bands and artists i prefer, when in the mood of recording stuff i search and find out videos of people teaching the tricks and tips of recording your music in the best possible way keeping the budget in mind.... when feeling a little religious i go on to find videos and stuff written by authorized authors on topics which hit me the most and try to open up the box of brain a little and put something useful in it. I also like to search on controversial stuff that occurred in history and still do not have any answers to it and try to come up my own conclusions by connecting the dots all together......

Tired of celebrations

these past two days have been too hectic for me as the elder brother of my friend was getting married and i had to help my friend in literally everything.....   getting the heavy "dekhs" of biryani and other foods up the 5th floor and back down then getting other stuff for the guests up and then back down, after all of it at the end of all the work we got some food to eat and maan that was quiet a release, on friday was the SHADI where we guys took the dhoola with the dhol wala to other female section to his wife dancing the hell out of ourselves and maybe making a mockery but i guess we put a little energy in the shadi, yesterday was the VALIMA and evreything was a little light yesterday, no work and just food hahahaha, yeah we enjoyed these two days and a lot of days that came before on its preparations, but i i would like to rest now......... :P

Weekly dose of creativity.....

These days to have a release from all the hassles of a day and the university that i spend my weekly holidays with a friend of mine who is a guitarist creating new tunes and songs for our album, if u ask me i wait for the week to end so i could do something i am really passionate about and spend time in the other world that i have created for myself.... this has been now going on for month and from that i guess we have made two songs which sound really nice and refreshing and hopefully will make on our album... apart from that we have also been trying to set up a make shift studio of our own because of the high expenses and low quality that these studios offer.. i guess its better to have a sound of your own and be responsible it rather than feeling strange about something that you could have done better.......


           Probably the biggest chapter of my life, hmmmmmmm what I can I say, music has stuck with me through all times the good the bad and the ugly, after my parents and my life I had never been so passionate about something like music.. for many music may be a means to be famous and get richer or attract women but for me music has always been an amazement and magic… because when someone creates a piece of music out of the air and it touches people and give them happiness or anger ,for me this is magic. My goal with music is not to be at the top of the charts or be famous but to recognized as a person capable of this magic and appreciated even among the best of musicians, this is what I believe. My take on creating music is to have an imagination as wide, as wild and as far as possible, its like climbing up a mountain, the higher you go the higher you will be able to see and the farther it will be ,its all about being inspired being motivated or being capable of foreseeing what you want your music to be, and the harder you try the closer you will get it.. My suggestion to musicians on an underground level like me is not to be hasty not that I am a big musician but this is what I have learned, the more time you spend with your child (music) the better he will be in future…….

The Right System

Never did I felt the importance of change and revolution in this country until now, I researched what our history was and what it should have been…. The chapter regarding the return of khilafat concerns me very much as it makes me hopefull of another muslim revolution but I see many in the youth and even above are not aware of this and the signs that are to come, I found out many Ahadith regarding this chapter and came to the conclusion that something had to be done, so I started meeting people of small jamaats who say that they are working for the return of the system (KHILAFAT), I found it very interesting but the day when I got to know that the whole jamaat founded by doctor Israr Ahmed himself had only 5000 active members all around Pakistan, I shook and I knew something was greatly wrong, one day a friend of mine who used to go to the Raiwand Ijtima was with me and I asked him on what is to be done to change the system, he said with all his knowledge that the system would change only when the right people with the right iman are created, because the system that The Holy Prophet SAWS brought was after he created people of true Iman and that answer shook me and told me that I would have to first change myself before going out to change this system, and that for me is the best answer till today……. 

Pakistan’s Black Hole Society

                 I was born in UAE, a country where I got to meet people of different races, ethnicities & languages, though I lived there for 15 years I dint find the huge black holes as many as there are in Pakistan specially in Karachi…. Today the Pakistan society which was made to be an Islamic society has fragmented into pieces which I fear could never be mended, the reason is the lack of both religious and academic knowledge… for example the youth which is the majority of Pakistan’s population and has to serve it afterwards has indulged in sooo many unethical things which are eating them from inside, Drugs, Alcohol, prostitution, internet porn, the horrible game of love and many more are some of these factors…. Not only the youth but I see and find well stable middle aged people involved in it in large numbers also , the women in urban areas including the teenage women also have no idea of what their morals and actions should be based upon, their lives are too busy in fashion, dramas, deceiving their parents not thinking of what image their parents have of them when they roam around and indulge in immoral activities with other men whom they have no relation with…..  shopkeepers generating unethical profits, corrupt governments, institutions and the whole system. For me we have lost the identity that we had when this country was made including myself, we have lost our aim and our goals, the only thing in my view keeping this all running still is ALLAH himself and some of his loved ones and no other…..

Confidence & Will

 these days while i am in the university i have found a great deal of inconfidence in some students regarding their fluency in english language and it is really eating them live beacuase they are not able to speak or answer a single question properly when asked of somthing in english, happened with me last spring when during
the poster exhibition the evaluator after hearing all of our answers one by one the evaluator asked one of my friend some questions who was just standing quiet and looking at what was going on, when asked my friend was literally blank and like "aaaaaaaaa", neither could he understand a word nor did he say anything, me and my group members obviously felt  a little angry at him because it costed us some marks but that day i felt that students of these local boards not in generality but some really lack the confidence of speaking and explaining their thought regardless of the fact whether they are wrong or not.... that friend of mine still calls me as if im a genieus and a book worm just because i am a student from a different board, i can speak to some extent and have an above average GPA... he thinks of me as if i am a book worm but he does not know that regular studies and punctuality is non of my attributes, i myself study for exams a month before only...what i found out was that people like him and many others whom i met are the same ones who do not want to change themselves ever and when forced go on like giving credit to the board that i have studied from,  they dont realize that the problem does not lie in these boards but in the intellectual level of realization of these students, their will which does not wants them to change and as a result these people go for options requiring the least of hard work and good short cuts....

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Beating up of drunks by Bhai Log

Some days back me and my friends were sitting outside our houses rather late at night just chatting and in between a car came up some distance behind us and stopped, the driver got out and started hitting an old guy like he was a sand bag ,who was taking Roti to his house o na bicycle. The reason he was gettin beaten up was just that he shouted on the driver when the car sided him too much. While he was gettin beaten up, a couple of our area's Bhai log came on a bike and inquired the scene, after just some minutes the Bhai log revesely started to beat up the tow people in the car who came out to be drunk and were brothers. Those brothers then recived more beating at the hand of other Bhai Log and people of our area as well as the devil Kids, after much beating the two brothers begged for mercy and the bhai log let them go anf felt like they were on top of their world. My question is whether what they was right or wrong beacuse in my view what they did they had no right of but whath they did was not bad actually........

Our best family member "Television"

Research says that the majority of the people around the world living in urban areas spend majority of the time in front of a television compared to the real family members that live in a house, no matter i see such frustation and difference even in the smallest of families. No wonder i see such a gap between feeling even between a mother and her child that each other do not know what the other is going through, happens with me also and there must be so many like me......this is the major reason why the indian/western culture with its ceremonies, mindset and norms has entered into our homes and lifestyle, sadly in my view women are generally more affected by this , such as the incapability of bearing second marriage of the husband, fashion trends, ceremonies and many other factors in the society. The reason in my view is because behind the television lie the best of minds and many of them producing such work, due to this a television has more effect than a person telling and sitting next to you. This is the why it has such great impact on us. My suggestion is to watch Television a fairly less and selectively, or use the internet, though not the best of ideas but at least has the choices of watching whatever you want to....

Thankfull to the teachers

all through my academic life i came along with teachers who were very good at what they knew and what they tought, consisting maths, science and languages. I have benfitted gretly through them and they proved to be the staircase for the success in my academic life but i always wondered why they always looked at their watches and went as quickly as the class was over, talking of nothing more than what the subject consisted, a teacher specializes in a particular course but ac course is not the only thing that a student wants to learn. i always thought why many of them acted as machines thinking and talking of nothing but work and studies, i always thought life could not be that straight forward. not until i reached the post graduate level that i found teachers who talked about life, about the truth, learning, realization and change... these teachers forced me and im sure many others to think what life is and what is to be done to change it in the right way.


the one thing after seeing the people of egypt overthrow the egyptian government that has stuck through my mind the thought of a possible revolution in pakistan which will bring the change that the people of pakistan have always wanted. Is a real revolution really possible in this country???????...... first of all in my view all the talk of revolution and change that the political parties have started are for me garbage.... how can a party whose symbol the "TT", Gutka and Bhaigiri bring about a revoltion??? when they cant change their owselves and  the image they have all over the nation, even if they are not like due to racist issues in our country they would have to bring the revolution inside them first... wherever i see their writongs and posters on walls mentioning revolution i feel like burning them but then i dont want to get beaten up and neither get paralysed :P..... the talk of the general people coming out on streets and spreading anarchy and bring a bloody revolution is neither logical itself, i think for that the nation would have to get united at first at least and cordinate this revolution which  even is funny to think about, insteed they will alll stand under seperate flags and would not even take one step together, this is how our country is divided due to several factors...the only possible revolution for me is the coming of the army and taking the charge over and the intellectuals
and the educated part of our country coming up with a way to get the education widespread and accessible/affordable for an avergae person which is a slow process indeed but would surely do the real job, but remember when i talk about education i talk about both academics, religion, ethics and history..

Qayaas's Debut Album "Uss Paar" review

After such a long time and the so called wait game that all the major rock bands of pakistan have been playing with the crowd has finally ended after Qayaas released their debut album Uss Paar in the stores through BYI records which is owned but non other than Noori themselves .The album has finally pur the rock listeners at ease due to the lack of rock bands coming up and Media supporting them . The album surely releases a lot of energy through its sound and believe me it is the best sounding  Rock album ever made in Pakistan to date. The band and its album sound has surely kicked the so called lobby studios of Mekaal Hasan, Gumby, Faisal Rafi, Immu and all other right in the face and will surely force them to think about their own "tryin to rock" sound  studios with huge expences. Apart from the sound the album consisits of literally everyhting for the peoples tastes and moods. Hard rock/metal songs fro the headbangers, Ballads for the girls i guess, some experimental stuff for the improvisors with very different chord progressions and arrangements, and even something for the junoonis!! The drums sound which are maybe generated or whatever they are have finally came to the expectations after so long, as for the guitars and bass the tone is richer, fatter and even clearer than ever before. lastly the vocals, hmmmm what can i say........U would have not heard such kind of falsetto screams in any previous pakistani rock records before and are really different. Lyrically the album targets confusion, anarchy, love, loss, hate and revolution which the album has already brought in the "indianized star pluuss" Insudtry!!!!

Karachi clouds

From now around the past month karachi has been seeing a hell lot of clouds roaming around the city as if there is a thunderstorm coming up behind. the nation is seeing rain all around while we karaxchiites are supposed to stare at these clouds the whole day and hope "Bhai Baarish Hojaye" which means to call out fro rain. the interesting thing is that these clouds some times shower a little rain form top and before you know it its gone!!! I think these clouds have something to do with the air that karachi contains and forces them to stupify the people just like KESC, WAPDA, SUI GAS and the whole government is doing right now. No wonder we are short of even Blessings like these. The wind at night blows really hard all night and we the people start to get optimistic but in the morning ,its the same Hell hot weather all around with dirt and combusted gas flying right at your face!!! I really hope these clouds would come upon their reputation and represent the least like of the government and clear the air from the dirt ,pollution bringing with it a cool and comfortable weather...

Silly PAF-KIET rules

Today morning when i reached my university I had to first show my ID card to the entrance guard and then when i reached at the gates ,the guards there held me just fro the fact that i didnt have the "Great Blue Ribbon" as if it is the pride of the institution which is used to hold the ID card in it ,not even that but we university students are supposed to wear it on our necks as if we were Labors going inside a factory!!!! Our necks?????? Oh cumon you have gotto be kidding me. On top of that the silly blue colured ribbon made up of plastic and  hanging cloth costs like 35 rupees per piece, seems to me the university is trying to fill their pockets up with these small ribbons too!! you will never be short of Silly rules that are made up at PAF-Kiet and when they are inforced which is the most irritating part. We proudly also have 2 formal days even in the Summer semester, like there are multinationals waiting for us a PAF-KIET's gates!!! HUH!!!I dont know where these riles are made or thought out, maybe Kiet tries to stand out form other universities a bit too much and may stand out permanently when there a non-working, unhygenic and dirty washrooms , shortages of drinking glasses and so much more, they thionk hangin the badge would improve there "CORPORATE" image with  which they have the least cordination with as copmpared to othe Universities.........

Islam & Sectarianism

All through my life when i was small i has the thought of Islam as ther most solid ,strong and perfect religion the world will ever see, I had no idea of what its followers were doing to it. I didnt even had the slighest Idea of the sects that i knew until I grew a little older  and what they were doing to each other and the religion itself. I feel a difference of opinion in all sects among each other even the ones through the same school of thought like the "Sunnis", it is very strange to see how different each others takes are on Islam and its interpretation, throughout since i realized the difference i have been trying to find out who is right and who is wrong and what I found
were answers they had a fely in their heart but could not publically speak about it which I dont know why? Though it is the duty of our formost duty of the scholars to clear the difference of opinions atleast in the Sunni school of thought which I belong from, and be clear and decisive....

The Biggest Goal

from the time i was small and slowly grew up i never felt the dedication for my parents that i have today.... i strayed here and there to find love, care through friendship, girls to frank and never realised what hardships my parents had to go through for me and my life i always spend most of my time in activities that were not of such value and never thought of repaying my parents for the dedication they proved everytime to me, until some time before i realised that no matter what happens, how hard life becomes, how you lose, your parents are for some strange reason right there for you whenever yo need them or are alone and i have learned that by noticing them through the changes that came in my life. how could a child repay his parents??? i guess never.... but the only thing he can give in return is love and dedication beacause these two elements are neither quantifiable nor measurable so it is rather easy to do it your own way.... I know this is not something new that people would have heard before, but for me it is new beacuse i think there is a huge difference between hearing and realising and i think i have come to realise that the biggest goal of my life that i have set will be the betterment and comfort of my parents no matter what because they gave up their lives for me, and i will too......

Sunday 10 July 2011

Karachi Killings

Over the span of 4 days approximately 70-80 people have died at the hands of some racist rednecks that still exist in our society just because of the fact that people speak a different language?????? Every one is clear about the fact that the Urdu peaking "Mohajirs" who are still called so after 64 years of independence having given up their properties, lives and everything during the partition are still foreigners for some or maybe the majority of the nation who had everything present for them here. I guess every racist in the country is jealous of the fact that these so called Mohajirs have build up Karachi as the national Hub through many fields and envies their hold on the heart of the nation. I curse even the Mohajirs who have racist ideas about other ethnicities, why dont we learn from the great chapter of the Mohajirs and Ansars from the life of our Holy Prophet himself?????? are they blind??? The reason Quaid-e-azam became our leader was also the fact that he had no race issues built in him as he lived in a country with various nationalities and surely we also need a leader like him again, in my view the Army should be ordered and every house in karachi should be checked over time and ripped off from weapons even if it has to start from my house first , what would these racist fanatics fight with if they have no ammunition, I guess Gutka and Niswaar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!